Church Relations

Church Legacy Program

What’s Your Story?

Church legacy logoThe Old and New Testament are the sacred documents that detail the story of God’s movement in history and the story of His people. These are the primary documents of our faith. These documents have been preserved as a witness of God’s revelation to His people. Your church history is a document that gives witness to your faithful response to that revelation. And the story continues…

The Young Library at Kentucky Christian university has begun the Church Legacy Project as part of our Restoration History and Archives Collection.We want to house and preserve the legacy of your congregation. Our goal is to create a historical archive that will provide primary documents for future researchers. 网赌最好最大平台 will become the steward of our common heritage but we cannot do it without your help.

Suggestions to get you started:

Church Beginnings Names of Charter Members Ministers who have served your congregation
Something from each decade Missionaries you support Missionaries/Ministers sent out from your church
World or local events that directly     affected your congregation Home Missions – Camps – Building Programs Groups, Women, Missions, Youth, Men


Suggestions on how to solicit historical information from your congregation:

  • Introduce the project in your Sunday bulletin to encourage participation.
  • Share the experience by assigning members areas of interest to cover so that the project doesn’t become overwhelming for one person.
  • use Facebook or other social media to solicit special memories from current and former friends.


For more information contact:  Josh Blevins

Prepared for the World

“网赌最好最大平台 was more than a University, it was also a home for me. Professors didn’t just worry about my grades, but
they knew about my life, provided counsel, encouraged me, and pushed me to grow. I felt that my education for
ministry was amazing and really helped prepare me for ministry. A lot of my spiritual mentors have come out of
网赌最好最大平台 and also some lifelong friendships with fellow students. 网赌最好最大平台 might not be the biggest school, but it has one
of the biggest hearts.”

Cady Wurtz, Class of 2017 Graduate School

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